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Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Tüm projelerde istişari ve işbirlikçi bir yaklaşım benimsiyoruz çünkü sizi tanımaya ve yaratıcı ortaklarınız olarak bizden neye ihtiyaç duyduğunuza ilgi duyuyoruz. Neden soruyorsun? Fikirleri, kolektif karar almayı ve işbirliğini birleştirmenin değerli olduğuna inanıyoruz. İş sürecimiz, müşterilerimizi yolun her adımında içerir. Bu, ister özel bir web tabanlı uygulama, entegre çoklu platform kampanyası, marka revizyonu veya görsel kimlik geliştirme olsun, bir projenin ihtiyaçlarınız ve vizyonunuz göz önünde bulundurularak oluşturulmasını sağlar.
Her proje, müşterinin işinin, sorunlu noktalarının ve hedeflerinin derinlemesine anlaşılmasını gerektirir. Bu, müşterilerimizin projelerinin sonuçlarından memnun olmalarını sağlar ve aynı zamanda bize dikkate değer bir parçayı bir araya getirmenin temelini sağlar. Yaratıcı sürecimiz, bilgi toplama ve beyin fırtınası yapmayı, hedefe yönelik bir strateji oluşturmayı ve plan yapmayı, tasarlamayı ve geliştirmeyi, gözden geçirmeyi ve test etmeyi ve nihai projeyi başlatmayı içerir.
Müşteri işletme boyutu
Proje başına bütçe
Başlangıç $2,500
Proje süresi
Başlangıç 3-6 months
Coğrafi odak
United States
I had the exciting opportunity to complete my internship for graphic design at RC Design. The team are so welcoming, friendly, and extremely talented and hardworking. They really cared about my educational goals and interests, and because of this I was able to work on a variety of projects with their guidance and support. Throughout this experience I have been able to strengthen my skills, and have ultimately left this internship as a better designer. Thank you, RC!
We recently engaged with RC Design to build a new website and I couldn't be happier with both the process and the outcome. I have experience in this space, so I have a sense of what excellence can look like, RC Design exceeded my expectations at every single milestone. From their proposal in a very competitive RFP, to working with us to ideate a new and innovative site, to providing frequent updates right through to site launch, they demonstrated professionalism, expertise and creativity... all things you want in a creative agency. Many thanks to Rob and his team for allowing us to bring our best selves forward with our new website.
The team at RC Design is a pleasure to work with! Blue Door has been working with their team for years on a number of projects with the latest being the development of an entirely new website. We threw their team every challenge in the book while working together to develop the new website. Without missing a beat they delivered a stunning website that is user-friendly on the front as well as for our staff to maintain on the back end. I highly recommend connecting with RC Design for your next big or small project.
Rob and his team at RC Design are an absolute dream to work with. After a significant rebranding journey for our organization, it was time to refresh our website. Not only was it a refresh, but a complete makeover. The RC Design team was on point with project planning, communications and overall experience. Our new online presence is a much more modern, fresh and clean experience. From a user perspective, we expect to have a much higher level of traffic and interface with our service users and community partners. 100% recommend RC Design. Thanks again for going above and beyond! Jeff Thibert Manager, Procurement and IT Services Linck Child, Youth and Family Supports
Working with RC Design for the last six months has been a complete pleasure. I initially came across their expertise through a separate professional group, and was thoroughly impressed with the professionalism, project management skills and a 'can-do' attitude. I decided to involve RC Design in my work at Reena to develop a strategic brand awareness campaign and was - again - impressed with the professionalism and commitment to achieve the set goals. As we approach 2023, I'm looking to involve RC Design with additional projects. I would highly recommend RC Design for any creative and marketing communications projects. Sincerely, Sharon Magor
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