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Bloomerang Marketing Solutions

Bloomerang Marketing Solutions

Tam hizmet veren bir Sarasota dijital pazarlama ajansı

Sarasota, Florida, United States



Pazarlama ve reklam ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılayacak bir dijital ajans seçerken göz önünde bulundurmanız gereken birçok faktör vardır ancak hepsinden önemlisi güvendir. Bu nedenle müşterileri sözleşmeye dayalı anlaşmalarla bağlamaya inanmıyoruz. Bloomerang Solutions, müşteri hizmetleri konusunda büyük önem taşıyan küçük bir şirket ve biz de bunu seviyoruz. İlk aradığınız andan itibaren farkı anlayacaksınız. Kendi telefonlarımıza cevap veriyoruz ve şirket içi uzman ekibimiz, biletin açıldığı andan müşterinin sonuçtan memnun kalmasına kadar gönderilen her bilet talebini bizzat denetlemektedir. Bize ihtiyacınız olduğunda her zaman burada olacağız; bu güvenebileceğiniz bir sözdür. Profesyonellerden oluşan ekibimiz, yalnızca Florida Sarasota'daki Beneva Flowers and Gifts'in sahibi olarak 30 yılı aşkın perakende ve pazarlama deneyimine sahip olmakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda ilk günlerinden bu yana çevrimiçi pazarlama da yapan Bloomerang Solutions'ın başkanı Arthur Conforti tarafından yönetilmektedir. AOL, Overture, Lycos, Infoseek ve Yahoo'dan. Conforti'nin çevrimiçi pazarlama deneyimi, hem iş hem de hayata olan tutkulu yaklaşımıyla eşleşiyor. Heyecanı ve enerjisi etrafındakilere ilham veriyor, tutkusu çalışanlarına ve müşterilerine de yansıyor. Başarılı bir perakende kariyerinin ardından Conforti'nin yeni tutkusu, diğer işletme sahiplerinin başarılı olmasına ve hayallerini gerçekleştirmesine yardımcı olmaktır.
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  • United States
  • İngilizce


Ortalama puan, hem Google Haritalar'daki hem de Semrush'taki yorumlara dayalıdır.
Ray Rosich
Oct 23, 2024

For as long as I’ve known Art from owning Beneva solutions, his professionalism and excellence many years ago still shines through to Bloomerang solutions in full force. Him and his team has always offered effective and knowledgeable solutions to company issues delivering fast and promising results. I couldn’t recommend Art and Bloomerang enough; they have my highest recommendation!

Tammy Hoffman
Nov 2, 2024

i want to thank Art Conforti and the team at Bloomerang Solutions, for letting me partnering up with the Team. They have helped me with developing my Website, Facebook & Instagram accounts. Art was extremely helpful by increasing the visibility and all the new business he has brought to our business. He and his team are highly skilled & knowledgeable how to capture the attention of those browsing. Looking forward to our continued business together. Thank you again.

Jacqueline alexander
Nov 4, 2023

I was up over 70% in October sales because of Bloomerang and Art Conforti. I am so thankful we met when we did. I wish it all sunk in earlier but I see it working now, and I am on it. I am proud to be a YES WE CAN florist. It really worked. You passion a perseverance worked. Please never stop being you. We are better because of you. Thank you again!

Robert Hahn
Mar 20, 2022

I wanted to share my experience with Bloomerang Solutions. I met Art when he called and needed a diver to work on his boat. We met so that I could do the work and we got to talking about how my company works and the things my company does. As we were talking I find out that Art has Bloomerang Solutions and he explained what his company does and how he helps businesses like mine. I was interested since my company needed a better online presence. Within a day or two Art and his team has a draft website and YouTube channel so that I could see what things would look like. I was very impressed and has a list of questions. Art and his team had no problem answering my questions and showing me what I needed to know. I moved forward and they made my website and YouTube channel. Within a day I had my first video. Now a couple months later anything I look at online to do with my type of work my company is there. I am amazed at the results that I am seeing. You can call a lot of other companies to work on online presence but honestly I do not like to call and go through all the voice prompts to hope to talk to a live person. I just call Art and talk direct to the team that takes care of my business. If you are going to work on your online presence Art and his team at Bloomerang Solutions is the way to go. Any promise made was honored and any call i placed to them was answered. Cant ask for anything better.

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