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Driving Organic Traffic to a Brand-New Blog with Minimal Resources: 0 to 20,000 a Month in 6 Months

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"Even for the most experienced SEO players out there, the road to achieving your goals is full of uncertainties. The game is always changing, so how can you keep up? Luckily for us at QR-Code-Generator.com, we have SEMrush by our side! Here’s how we started our blog from zero traffic to over 20,000 visits per month in just 6 months!”
Azhar Ahmad, Head of Content at Egoditor

About Egoditor:

Egoditor is the brains behind QR-Code-Generator.com, a marketing tool for anyone to create, design, track, and manage QR Code campaigns. With over 6 million users in 160 countries, it is quickly becoming one of the best QR Code tools with its user-friendly interface and a pricing plan that scales.

Business Challenge: Driving organic traffic to a brand-new company blog

“Egoditor offers a free static QR Code generator tool on the product. When you offer something useful for free, traffic just comes naturally. But in the long run, we realized that the free tool is no longer enough. We needed another way to engage visitors to create not just the standard black and white QR Codes, but something more creative that their audience would want to scan. The only way to encourage them while being cost-effective is, of course, through content. We were also going to dispel the myth that creating content is expensive — we only have a freelance writer and designer that work together to create the content for our blog,” says Azhar Ahmad, Head of Content at Egoditor.

Solution: growing organic traffic with SEMrush content marketing tools

Egoditor had previously created content that would attract a narrow, highly relevant group of users. Now they were looking to attract wider audiences that may be interested in QR Code topics.

Gathering Ideas with Topic Research

Egoditor used the Topic Research tool to get some ideas on the kind of content they needed.

"The best part about the tool is that it gives you a list of headlines and URLs from existing pages on the web while generating questions that are frequently asked to get you started. We no longer need to come up with the topics on our own, we just let SEMrush do the work,” explains Azhar.

The Egoditor team then compiled their favorites in one list within the Topic Research tool to later begin where they left off.

Sorting Ideas with the Keyword Magic Tool

Once the selection of topics was ready, Egoditor sorted it into two categories as per their own strategy:

  1. Quick wins: keywords that are high on the priority list, as they have low to medium traffic, low competition, but high CPC;
  2. Rewarding challenges: keywords that are a lot more competitive and harder to rank for, as they have high traffic and CPC.

With the SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool, the Egoditor team was able to sort these keywords into the two categories quickly. In the example, the suggested topic from the Topic Research above is used: ‘QR Code and business cards’. They simply entered the keyword in the Keyword Magic tool and got all the required data in one simple list.

Upon selecting the first keyword - “qr code business card” - it opened a whole other world of information that could further strengthen the content.
"Just like Baskin Robbins, we offer our tool in 31 different ‘flavors’ we call languages. But we don’t have the resources to translate every single piece of content into those languages. So how do we select which content to translate first?” says Azhar. 

With the Keyword Magic tool, Egoditor looked up each keyword’s global volume to prioritize the translation.

Creating Content with SEMrush Content Marketing Platform

“To ensure that our writer always creates content that’s easy to read and optimized for search, we’ve laid out a set of guidelines such as the tone of voice, buyer persona, and style guide. These, paired with SEMrush’s Content Marketing Platform, were the key to our blog’s success in such a short amount of time,” says Azhar.

Adding Semantically Related Keywords with SEO Content Template

“Writers who are not familiar with SEO can easily mess up here. But with SEMrush’s SEO Content Template, even the most novice writers can create content that’s SEO friendly," explains Azhar. 

"One of its most useful features is the semantically related words. We used it to add more keywords that Google can use to return the best possible results to the searcher."

“Going back to our ‘qr code business card’ example, the searcher is probably searching for QR Code ideas on business cards, how to create a QR Code for business cards, what type of QR Code you can add to your business card, and so on,” adds Azhar. 

Egoditor used the semantically related words as subtopics in their long-form articles.

Determining article length with SEO Content Template

"There are differing opinions on the ideal blog post length. While experienced SEOs will tell you that longer is always better, we found that it actually depends on the topic,” says Azhar. 

“In our case, SEMrush’s SEO Content Template took the guesswork out of it for us and presented the recommended length, which is around 721 words.”

Improving an article with SEO Writing Assistant

It is often daunting to write an article that is interesting and exciting to your readers. Writing needs to bring the best out of your research in a way that captures the attention of a wide audience. 

“Luckily for us, we didn’t have to look for another tool to optimize our content. SEMrush’s SEO Writing Assistant does just as the name suggests,” says Azhar. 

"With the help of the SEO Writing Assistant, we improved our content so that it contained all the related keywords, matched the desired length and readability, as well as maintained the tone of voice that suits our company,” added Azhar.

SEMrush’s Content Audit helped the team monitor their progress. "We connected the tool to Google Analytics and Search Console, so we no longer have to go back and forth between multiple tools when it comes to tracking a page’s ranking and views,” says Azhar.


Egoditor achieved over 20,000 visits per month within 6 months of launching the blog.
Egoditor gathered over 300 content ideas (that’s 5 years’ worth of content when publishing once a week). The team didn’t have to scratch their heads thinking about which topic to write about.
Egoditor improved their content score by 25% by adding more keywords, as suggested in the SEO Writing Assistant, as well as enhancing the length and readability of each article according to the recommendations.
Egoditor is continuously monitoring and improving their content and making adjustments where possible. They keep track of all rankings to ensure that the published content is doing well.
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